Thursday, June 25, 2020

Coronacation begins...

Major "pause" button. 

Although we know not everyone is in the same boat as us. Believe me, I am on my own boat in this family. Lilli however has never been happier, somehow daddy is able to "work from the loud house" and my brothers are still passing despite missing half of their Zoom calls because mommy can't keep track of time. 
"Distance Learning" :(
I miss my friends!! But we are "trying to "Safe Safe & Stay Home" but my mom loves that I still get my allergy shots twice a week so she has an excuse to get out.

Lots of "Zoom" training going on.

Funny Memes of the time
Smokey loved us being home so much! 
Auntie Shannie & Uncle Mick found some pups to bring home.
We love our daddy! He works so hard for us!!
Happy 44th Bday in Quarintine
We celebrated with Carne Asada Fries after being on 
the Keto diet and dropping 20.  Good job daddy!
Lots of family bike rides.
Backyard S'more nights.

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