Last night Mommy and Daddy sneaked off to the hospital. Mommy said it was "time", and Daddy said it was a "false alarm" because she wasn't screaming like the women in the labor videos.

But on January 10 6:01AM my little sister Lilli Victoria Wassink was born. She was 6 pounds 10 ounces and 19 inches long. The doctor decided to take her out early because her heart rate was dropping during contractions. She is 2 weeks premature but her lungs seem fine. She does have a heart murmur from a hole in her heart.

Patent ductus arteriosus (PDA) is not uncommon for newborns and often closes within the first 24 hours, but Lilli will probably need some medication to help close the opening in her heart. In the meantime we are all trying to fill it with love and prayers.
We are praying for you all. If there is anything you need please let us know. Love you guys.
Your family is in our prayers. We look forward to both (Autumn & Lili's) hospital depature once all is well. We look forward to meeting the new addition to the family.If there is anything we can do for you, please do not hesitate to ask.
I'm so happy for you guys! She is beautiful. Can't wait to meet her!
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