Yesterday, I had my four month checkup. Can you belive mom took a picture of me in pain?
Here are my stats: 25" in length, 13.2 lbs. Which is 80th percentile in height and 50th percentile in weight. The doctor gave me an A+ and a drama award to take home to my Lola.
I wasn't trying to be a mean mom, Berni asked me to take a picture of her since he couldn't be there for Violet's Doctors appointment.
Right there Violet looks like her Grandmother Pat in the mornings when she is woke up early.... Love Aunt Sherry
Aunt Sherry- that is what my mom looks like when you call her before noon :-)
My dear Violet,
For your first session of shots , your mommy took me with her for moral support. I was glad to come because I wanted to be with you and your mom to encourage her. Would you believe that my screams competed with yours? Every time the nurse gave you a shot, it was like a stab to my heart. And there were FIVE of them!!! As Opa would have said, "Your Lola was bananas"
Violet, The space ran out. I was not finished yet. So here is the finale.
Your mommy was the brave one. She held you while I was making a fool of myself. Sad to say, I think your mommy will never ask me again to go with you to the doctor. She was a nice doctor, by the way, but with a difficult name to pronounce. Dr. Quiroljico! I'll teach you how to pronounce it. (key-roll-he-ko)with accent on roll. I love you, my Violet!
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