As most of you know, Violet entered our lives on February 16th 2006. She is the first child and first grandchild on both sides, so everybody's a little baby crazy (which is a g$$d thing). We're a little late getting this started, but we figure this is the best way to keep everybody updated on the happenings of little Violet's life.
Our intention with this site is to share with you the experiences of Violet's life. The story will be told in 1st-person, as if she were speaking for herself.
So please look, laugh, and interact (by posting), so you can be part of the memory and her story.
Bernhard & Autumn Wassink
P.S. If you would like to see a video of Violet's birth please click on the link below:
Video: "C-day"
You are my inspiration everyday. When I turn on my computer, your beautiful picture pops up in the desktop and you bring a smile to my lips.
Remember if you don't want to sign up for a blogger account just click other (under identity), type in your name, and you'll be able to comment!
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