Auntie Shanny got me a whole bunch of kitchen stuff. Here I am with my apron, hat and oven mit.
I was tuckered out after opening my presents. But, Nanny made me some new pillows, with Elmo, Tinkerbell and Pooh. So I just laid down in my pile of pillows.
On Christmas Eve we went to Lola and Opa's house. We had good food, music and a nice time celebrating Jesus' birthday. I got a flute just like Opa's, now we can start a recording band. Tita Emma got me a Dora backpack and chair, I felt so special.
Mommy and I went on a beautiful walk at sunset this past week. As mommy and I passed by a snail we said "Hello, Mr. Snail" and I even gave him a friendly wave. But then mommy had me walk by myself, and I was fine until I saw another suddenly scary SNAIL!
Here I am enjoying my far-away view of the snails and sunset with Mommy.