It took over a year, but daddy just heard that he really did graduate and they are going to mail his diploma soon, so we got some balloons and celebrated. I also got a nice, new blanket from my friend Ruth; I had fun crawling around on it all day.
Today I got to meet a new friend, Ella's brother, Owen. He's ten weeks old, I look like a giant next to him. I got to push him in my swing and touch his fuzzy head.
From 8am to 8pm it's constant action. My new hobbies are: taking all of the laundry out of the baskets, taking all the books off the bookshelf ( I never get tired of this!), playing in mama's tupperware cupboard, pushing all the paper's off the coffee table and spilling cheerios all over the floor. So now you can understand why this is one of mom's favorite recent pictures.
On Christmas Day we went to Nana and Pop's house. Nana made a delicious meal, I ate it all up. Then we opened up presents and I got a little overwhelmed. I got this really cool toy that I can ride on and it plays all my favorite songs. I also got my first cell phone (finally!), thanks to my friend Mikayla and I also got a new set of car keys. Dad asked Uncle Mark where the car was?
On Christmas Eve we went to Opa and Lola's house. We sang carols and I played the paino. We open gifts, which I had pulled all of the bow's off and then I pulled the petals off Lola's tulips. Uncle Henry got me my first video games, so now I can play with daddy. Mommy got a Christmas ornament of Santa, this time he sat on my lap. Opa took me for a ride up high.